
If a person participates on an entity, it needs to be relayed via the author of the root entity, because only the root author knows, to whom they shared the original entity.

The root is the most top parent of the relayable: If the parent of a relayable is a relayable itself, the parent of that should be used, until it isn’t a relayable anymore. For example, for both, a Like for a Post and a Like for a Comment, the author of the Post should be used.

Such relayable entities are:

Common Properties

All relayables have the following properties:

Property Type Description
author diaspora* ID The diaspora* ID of the author of the relayable.
guid GUID The GUID of the relayable.
parent_guid GUID The GUID of the parent entity.
author_signature Signature The signature from the author of the relayable.


If the author is not the same as the root author, the author of the relayable sends the entity to the root author and the author must include the author_signature.

The root author then must envelop it in a new Magic Envelope and send the entity to all the recipients of the root entity. If the author and the root author are on the same server, the author must sign the author_signature and the root author needs to sign the Magic Envelope.

If someone other then the root author receives a relayable without a valid Magic Envelope signed from the root author, it must be ignored. If the author is not the same as the root author and the author_signature is missing or invalid, it also must be ignored. If the author is the same as the root author, the author_signature can be missing, because a valid signature in the Magic Envelope from the author is enough in that case.


The string to sign is built with the content of all properties (except the author_signature itself), concatenated using ; as separator in the same order as they appear in the XML. The order in the XML is not specified.

This ensures that relayables even work, if the root author or another recipient does not know all properties of the relayable entity (e.g. older version of diaspora*).

This string is then signed with the private RSA key using the RSA-SHA256 algorithm and base64-encoded.

The root author must use the same order as the relayable author. Unknown properties must be included again in the XML and the signature.

To support fetching of the relayables, the root author should save the following information:

  • order of the received XML
  • additional (unknown) properties
  • author_signature

Retraction / Reject

The root author is allowed to retract the entity, so there are no additional signatures required for the Retraction (only the Salmon Magic Signature).

If the author retracts the entity, they send a Retraction to the root author. The root author also must relay this retraction to all recipients of the root entity.

If the root author wants to reject the entity (e.g. if they ignore the author of the relayable), they can simply send a Retraction for it back to the author.